Sunday, September 28, 2014


Have you ever tried on a garment in the dressing room of a store and felt happy because it fit perfectly, only to discover when you tried it on at home it didn't look so great? Or have you ever left home feeling absolutely fabulous about your appearance, but when you arrived at your destination something changed, and you felt less confident about it? You may have wondered, “Is my mind playing tricks on me?" Or “Is my eyesight deteriorating?” Actually none of these may be the case. Sometimes certain features can create illusions that could make you look great or not so great. Just for a brief moment, I’ll like to list some features that I’ve come to realize play an integral part in enhancing or ruining your ultimate look.

Light: We all can appreciate a well lit room; it helps you to function and could even improve your mood. However, the description "a well lit room" does not mean sporadically placing lamps or light bulbs all over the space, or using any type of light/s. Instead, try looking for light sources that "cast a glow that is similar to natural daylight" (Lofgren, 2014, para. 2). For example, incandescent bulbs and LED (light-emitting diode) bulbs function in this capacity (Lofgren, 2014).

Pay attention to the lights in the room or space you use to get dress. The position of the lights are also very important. Have your light in a frontal position, just above eye level so excess shadows of your body aren’t created (Ibid).

Some lights could even make your skin tone look dull and your make-up look discolored (Ibid). Whatever light sources you choose, make sure it allows you to see the authenticity of colors, materials, patterns or designs. If you found yourself squinting or easily distracted with trying to solve obscurities, these are signs that your light source is not the best.

Another instance when good lighting is needed is when you are attempting to color block your attire. This is a risky practice but when done properly you could pull off an amazing appearance. The right light source plays a huge part in color blocking properly.

Light could also penetrate your clothes and reveal more of your body parts than you maybe willing to show. This is true often times when you are standing in the sun. In such a case it would be best to choose a garment made from heavy or combined materials (such as: polyester, tweed, etc.) or has an inner lining or use a half-slip.

Mirror: I’m sure you can agree that looking down at yourself and looking at your reflection in a mirror are two very different views. One difference is that your body parts appear larger when looking down as opposed to viewing your reflection in the mirror.  Therefore it is strongly advisable to use a full figured mirror when viewing yourself. Full figured mirrors are the best because they capture your total appearance with every body parts actual  dimensions.

Always keep this mirror at an angle, in so doing, you would capture more of your body in your reflection. Also ensure to pair your full figured mirror with good lighting (see  above  for  examples of good lighting sources) that's properly positioned to ensure you get the best reflection of yourself .

Undergarments: Pay attention to the types of undergarments you choose to wear. Investing in underwear that fit well, provide the necessary support and have any other “magical” features. Whatever undergarments you choose, you always want to strive to look as natural as possible.  Let this exercise be your guide; as you look at yourself from head to toe in the mirror, if you find yourself stopping or concentrating at a particular area of your body, it could be because this area maybe drawing too much attention that could potentially ruin your overall look.

Note the word 'under' in the word undergarments, which hints that these garments should not be seen or revealed. Typically when looking at your overall appearance you should not be able to tell the presence, the color, or the material of your undergarments. There are exceptions to this rule based on your attire. For instance, if you wear a dress with a plunging neckline you could wear a camisole to avoid your cleavage from being seen, or your blouse may be of a sheer or translucent material so you could wear a vest to prevent your intimates from being seen.

Get a Second Opinion from a Reputable Source: The emphasis here is on "reputable". If you find yourself wondering about your attire, seek the advice of a trustworthy person. Who is this? Someone whose eyesight is functioning at a working capacity. Someone who is candid, unafraid and capable of expressing their opinion. Someone who has a sense of fashion that is tasteful or even similar to yours. Someone who is truly interested in your well-being particularly when it comes to you looking and feeling your best (see Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).

Getting a second opinion does not necessarily mean that you lack confidence in yourself or you are conceited. Instead, it says you are willing to receive advice and you are on a quest of self-improvement (see Proverb 19:20). Remember also, you may not always agree with that person's view, but you should respect their opinion. In the end, you have the final decision and now you are well informed to do such.
(The above illustration is an example of a source that is not reputable due to his comment)

According to (2014), in Psychology illusion is defined as "a perception, as of visual stimuli that represents what is perceived in a way different from the way it is in reality". Hopefully the above tips  could help us with our perceptions and make the required changes that impact our reality positively. In so doing, we would be freed from the deception of illusions.

Sources (2014). Illusion. Retrieved from September 25, 2014 from

Lofgren, K. (2014).  Recommendation for Dressing Room Lighting. SFGate Home Guides by Demand Media. Retrieved September 25, 2014 from

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