Thursday, July 31, 2014

Should Christians have an Interest in Fashion ?

When considering this question I am drawn to look at the character Dorcas from the Bible (see Acts 9:36-42). In our day Dorcas would be considered to be a famous designer and or seamstress. I believe she must have exhibited great talent and created fashionable garments for the less fortunate. She showed an interest in the fashion of her time but she used her interest to help others.

Many argue we should not be conformed to this world (see Romans 12:2 ) and participating in fashion is evidence of one's conformation. I beg to differ. Unless you are living on an island alone or exist in a culture that don't wear clothes we all share an interest in fashion. How much of an interest is really what's debatable. We all have preferences for certain styles which defines our personal fashion. The Bible has principles to help us in defining our style. Christ shunned those who arrayed themselves so heavily in an attempt to appear more prestigious than others (see Mark 12:41).  His displeasure was not because of their attire or their accessories. Instead He was displeased with their motive. He was more interested with their heart condition rather than what they wore (see 1 Peter 3:4). Actually, that's all He wants; our hearts. So Christians could have an interest in fashion but he or she must exercise responsibility, least they lose their heart (i.e desire to please Christ). Some helpful guidelines to consider are as follows:-
  • Convert WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) to WWJW (What Would Jesus Wear). As you make your fashion decisions ask yourself "Does this portray that I am a child of a King?" Remember you are an ultimate fan of Christ make sure that fact exudes from your appearance. Glorify God in everything you do (see Romans 12:1).
  • Before making your purchases don't rob God or His ministries. We have a responsibility not only to take care of ourselves but others. Don't sacrifice returning your tithes and offering to pursue your interests (see Malachi 3:8). Luke 12:27 described the lilies as being well arrayed, not even Solomon in all his splendor could not compare. So don't worry about your clothes, He would take care of you, fulfilling all your needs and even your fashionable wants (see Matthew 6: 28).
  • Do everything in moderation. As you put on your apparel, make up or do your hair ensure that you are not excessive in your overall appearance. If you have an interests in a particular designer or store, nothing is wrong with that. Let's face it, some designers appeal to us more than others due to their creativity, style, durability, functionality or simply they have clothes or shoes for our size. Nevertheless, we should never reach the point of aimlessly supporting a designer or participating in a sale just because...... Be moderate in your pursuit. Always use your judgment. Ensure that your treasures (also known as desires or pursuits) are ultimately on heavenly things (see Matthew 6:19-21).
  • Be Modest. I know modesty is subjective to personal beliefs and culture. However, I think if your appearance is not offensive or distracting to the general public then you've accomplished modesty. Remember you are not to be a stumbling block to your neighbor (see Romans 14:13).
As long as you exist in a society where wearing clothes is apart of the culture I think Christians would be participating in some sense of fashion. It's important to embrace this opportunity but demonstrate wisdom in your choices. Below I've provided pictures of some of my friends and family members who I believe have demonstrated an interest in fashion responsibly.

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